Vilsteren Estate Center
VilsterenThe Estate Center at Vilsteren Estate is a combination of an information center, estate store, group reception area and meeting location.
It is the ideal starting point for a visit to the approximately 1,050-acre private Vilsteren estate and the Vecht valley. Coffee and tea are always hot and there are volunteers to answer your questions. answer your questions.
It is located in an old farmhouse (Erve Borrink) in the middle of the village next to the church. With the arrival of the estate center, the farmhouse has been given a beautiful new function and the preservation of this national monument is also guaranteed. Permanent and temporary exhibitions provide a picture of the past and present of the estate and the community of Vilsteren.
In addition, walking tours of the estate, brochures of activities in the area, etc. are available.
The estate center is also used as a reception area for groups wishing, for example, to have a lecture and/or excursion led by the steward or gamekeeper.
The estate center can be rented for meetings. There are two rooms. The large, attractive estate estate hall downstairs with fireplace, beamer, screen, wifi, sound system, grand piano (suitable for up to 70 people) and the smaller Vechtdal room upstairs with wifi and screen (suitable for up to 25 people). There is a very special rule when renting a meeting room. One is namely obliged to build a minimum of 30 minutes into the program for a lecture about the estate.