News from Ommen
Taking care of something on the computer or mobile?
Leestijd 2
Gelezen 436 keer
The Digital Café at the library in Ommen is open Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons for any questions about your computer, tablet or mobile. The Digital Café is always free and for members and non-members alike.
The Digital Café at the library in Ommen is open Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons for any questions about your computer, tablet or mobile. The Digital Café is always free and for members and non-members alike.

Nowadays, a lot has to be arranged via computer. This is quite difficult for many people. Sometimes you have already mastered it, but something changes and it becomes difficult again. Think of a photo that is suddenly gone, or an app that does not work properly. With a trained volunteer or an employee of the library, we look with you and solve it together!
At the same time as the Digital Café is the Digital Government Information Point. Here you can get help with all government and municipal websites. Think about applying for benefits, requesting a DigiD or renewing a driver's license. Furthermore, you can take free courses. Do you have a subject you would like to know more about? Stop by, and we'll see which course best suits your question.
The Digital Café is every Tuesday from 10 - 12 am and Wednesday from 2 - 4 pm at the library in Ommen on the second floor. You are welcome without an appointment. You do not have to be a member of the library. The help is free!